The Color Purple Reflection/Journal Entry Day 7/Literary 3x3 Letter 24, Shug Avery and Mr._____ had three kids together. Mr.____ barely contacts Shug Avery who wants a bath. Celie offers to bathe Shug and mesmerized looking at her body. One might question Celie's sexuality of her reaction to Shug Avery body. Celie does not miss her two kids. No connection or feelings attached. Day 7: Today, I practiced Drill Team again and our team is starting to get better and better. Also, I was excited for senior group pictures. The pictures were fun to be part of. Sitting with friends and laughing. Three formal photos taken and one funny photo. After, student took their own pictures to maybe on social media/keep memories. Literary 3x3 Emotion bestows aptitude Same stimulates different Hypnotizing captivates control
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The Color Purple Reflection/Journal Entry Day 6 Letter 19, Harpo and Mr.______ are outside on the porch. He wants to know how to put Sofia in her place and not backtalk him. Mr.______ tells his son women are like children. The only logical thing to keep Sofia in control is to beat her. In the past letters, Mr.______ told Harpo women are the ones to work and nobody else. After, Mr._____ does not want to work, Harpo expresses emotional feelings. To the point, the controlling side of Mr._____ is showing. Harpo wants to beat his wife, Sofia, however, he cannot understand how to take notes. Celie replies with the same answer Mr.______ gave Harpo. To beat Sofia. Doing what exactly Celie and Mr._____ said, Harpo is bruised. Celie knows what actually happened. Harpo just need to know how to make decisions and which one is right. Day 6: Today, my teacher got mad because most of the students were not wearing their JROTC uniforms for Wednesday. During freshman year, in JROTC,...
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The Color Purple Reflection/Journal Entry Day 5 Since Shug Avery is in town. In Letter 15, Mr.______ wastes Saturday, Sunday, and Monday with Shug Avery. As soon as Mr.______ comes home, he sleeps in and the two do no say anything to each other. Celie has questions in her head she wants to ask him. Questions such as what did she wear, lipstick, stout, skinny, same Shug, wig, etc. Hestitant and afraid, Celie does not ask the questions and her mind is left to wonder. Day 5: During 1st block, the class learned about time managment and to maintain at its best. Some people do not know how to use their time wisely. So, our instructor, Colonel Brady, gave us valuable tips on using time. Took a quiz on the lesson, our Drill Team had 20 minutes left to spare. Even though it was cold, our team still practiced for the upcoming competition in March. We got through the whole sheet again. Our team is getting better and better by the day.
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The Color Purple Reflection/Journal Entry Day 4 In Letter 10, Celie reacts to seeing her daughter with anoher woman. When she sees her child, she instantly recognizes her. Celie thinks this girl is her child because of the eyes she have. Plus, Celie embroidered her daughter diapers with the name Olivia and stars and flowers. So, if Celie could know thia information, then the child is hers. This is the first time the readers see hope in Celie knowing Fonso did not kill one on their children. Celie follows Olivia and the stepmother into the store. Celie asks who is Olivia father and the stepmother replied with Reverend Mr.______. Later on, Celie invites them to her wagon while they wait for Reverend Mr._____. Celie questioned the stepmother about Olivia's birth month and her name. The stepmother answered the month of December and Pauline, but the family call her Olivia because she looks like an Olivia. Also, Celie thinks Olivia was born in November. Celie asked the two the ques...
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Journal Entry Day 3 My weekend was nice. Caught up on shows and had a good laugh. I have a sense of humor that many people might find weird, but you just got to laugh sometimes. Played with little brother. Knowing him, he likes to play most of the time. Plus, my homework is done. I know the next weekend will be just as good as this one.
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The Color Purple Reflection/Journal Entry Day 2 Reflection: In letters 7-9, Celie's father, Fonso, beats Celie for dressing "trampy". By now she is used to her father beating her. Nettie cries because she realizes what is happening to her sister and both of them are going to be separated. Mr._____ wants Celie, instead, Fonso suggests Celie and talk about her. Calling her ugly and unattractive Fonso says she is a good worker, stepmother, and unable to have kids. Basically stating she is nothing but what she already was. Later Mr.______ comes back around to see Celie and Fonso offers a Celie's cow as a gift. On the day of the wedding, Celie is attacked by one Mr.______ son. Hitting with her a rock. Maybe indicating that the son will not like Celie in the future. Furthermore, Celie thinks about Nettie while Mr._____ has sex with her. For Celie, it is not much romance going on since Celie was raped. Day 2: My day consisted of watching movies, learning integrat...
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The Color Purple/Day 1 Reflection: In "The Color Purple", the letters starts with Celie desribing every detail of Fonso, her father, raping her. She has her baby by Fonso and does not know whether Fonso killed the babies or took them. He leaves her with wonder and thought. Fonso starts glancing at Celie's little sisiter, Nettie. Celie knowing what Fonso is capable does not want Nettie to go through that horrifying situation. Altogether, the start, middle, and end of this letter made me and the class uncomfortable. The thought of Fonso phsysically raping her did not sit well. Day One: My day was interesting one. In Calculus AP BC, Ms. Mahoney taught the class "U substitution". At first, I was completely lost at what she doing. But, Ms. Mahoney always teaches in a way our class can understand. If we do not understand her ways, she has an activity called Khan Academy and it has helped me so much. Plus, Ms. Mahoney stays after school on certain days to h...
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Vocabulary Quiz/Paragraph •Lament- a passionate expression of grief or sorrow. •Apostrophe- when a speaker breaks off from one group and instead addresses a third group. •Anaphora- repetition of a word at the beginning of clauses. •Dearth- scarce of lack of something •Incongruous- not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings. •Auditory Imagery- type of mental imagery used to place and analyze sounds when there is none present. •Enjambent- continuation of a sentence without a pause. •Variable Rhythm- regular series of sounds •Fleeting- short period of time •Contentious-likely to have an argument ------------------------------------------------------------- To be a President, one must have the quality of learning how to back their debates/arguments with enjambment. Donald Trump controversies can lead to a fleeting term of being President. Being a citizen, majority of society feel as though Trump has a dearth of being President. 50% who are on Trump's sid...
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Reflection The monster creation was fun and exciting. My group had to think of an idea out of nothing and put it to 2 poems and a short story. We decided on half human, half snake, and her name would be Ivy. Gave Ivy features, details, background to work with the poems and short story. One of our members told the group she was not going to be here. So, we had to work in advance. Showing how even under the pressure of time, there was and still is originality in our group and the other groups.
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Short Story In the times of old, there were people capable of using an interesting property that most would call magic. These beings that were able to use this ‘magic’ are called witches, who were thought to be abnormal to other humans. These witches were rare to find amongst humans due to the hunt for their heads for using magic. There stood a witch, who normally stayed among humans with ease due to her ability to trick those into thinking she was normal. She lived peacefully along with a male who had figured her out, but instead of giving her out to the people, he protected her and showed kindness towards her. Such an emotion towards witches was rare to even themselves. These peaceful days continued only for short when a townsman had suspected this male, the guard following the word of the town with no stop, they took him in and placed him among execution under the heresy of protecting a witch. The witch whom had lively peacefully among this village soon only felt one thing due ...
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Poem to the monster from another character Ivy, Ivy, I am the one who created you A witch I bet you did not have a clue Let me words be a message Spread evil on the people Who have called you a lowdown bitch Develop a signal Ssssssssssss Crashing down like a missile Trap 'em like tangled chain And send them to the hospital Get into their head and redirect them to home like a homerun Didn't see Ivy hit the bat? That's because she is already slitherin Sssssssssss I have said what I said A start and a end A message to be read and leave the others dead
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Poem about the montser Hey, I am Ivy The skin on me come off as pretty and shiny Can't come near me or I will hiss hiss Send all my enemies into the amiss Not a miss, definitely a hit How are you doing? I'm like the Rock Do you see what Ivy is brewin? Yes, that was the third person Because when I'm done You'll become the third victim Yall don't even knkw the bars I'm sayin It's like I have the wisdom And you all have just ot bitten Okay, okay, I am a snake Don't cut my head off like Adam Putting me on a plate Surround me around friends So, I know when they're being fake Listen, I'll show them their due date I have scales Of course I am not a male But this is what you all get Asking for a tale